Raw Data API
About 1 minResource
This page shows usage of MiHoMo Raw Data API.
Raw Data API
Endpoint: /sr_info/{uid}
Path Params
Name | Type | Explanation |
uid | string | Player UID |
GET /sr_info/100000999 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.mihomo.me
User-Agent: Your-App-Name
Response data example:
"detailInfo": {
"uid": 100000999,
"nickname": "NICKNAME",
"level": 34,
"worldLevel": 2,
"friendCount": 24,
"headIcon": 201209,
// Optional
"signature": "SIGNATURE",
"IsDisplayAvatarList": true,
"platform": 2,
"recordInfo": {
// Memory & Memory of chaos info
"challengeInfo": {
// Memory totally cleared level
"noneScheduleMaxLevel": 21,
/// Memory of chaos id
"scheduleGroupId": 1014,
// Memory of chaos cleared level
"abyssLevel": 11,
// Memory of chaos star count
"abyssStarCount": 33
"avatarCount": 41,
"equipmentCount": 74,
"relicCount": 1842,
"achievementCount": 398,
"bookCount": 124,
"musicCount": 18,
// Simulated universe cleared level
"maxRogueChallengeScore": 9
"assistAvatarDetail": {
"avatarId": 1209,
// Character eidolon. Optional
"rank": 1,
"level": 50,
// Character ascension. Optional
"promotion": 3,
// Light cone info, equals {} when no light cone
"equipment": {
"tid": 21020,
// Light cone superimposition
"rank": 2,
"level": 50,
// Light cone ascended
"promotion": 3
"skillTreeList": [
"pointId": 1003001,
"level": 2
// ...
// Only unlocked
"relicList": [
"tid": 51071,
// 1-HEAD 2-HAND ...
"type": 1,
"level": 9,
"exp": 200,
"mainAffixId": 1,
"subAffixList": [
"affixId": 2,
// Base value count
"cnt": 1,
// Boost value count
"step": 1
// ...
// ...
"avatarDetailList": [
// ...
// List item same as assistAvatarDetail
Reference Python data model:
# uncomment if you are using pydantic
# from pydantic import BaseModel as Model
# uncomment if you are using msgspec
# from msgspec import Struct as Model
from typing import List, Optional
class SpaceChallengeData(Model):
scheduleGroupId: Optional[int] = None
abyssLevel: int = 0
abyssStarCount: int = 0
noneScheduleMaxLevel: int = 0
class SpaceData(Model):
challengeInfo: Optional[SpaceChallengeData] = None
maxRogueChallengeScore: int = 0
avatarCount: int = 0
equipmentCount: int = 0
relicCount: int = 0
achievementCount: int = 0
bookCount: int = 0
musicCount: int = 0
class EquipmentData(Model):
tid: Optional[int] = None
rank: int = 1
level: int = 1
promotion: int = 0
class SkillTreeData(Model):
pointId: int
level: int = 0
class SubAffixData(Model):
affixId: int
cnt: int = 0
step: int = 0
class RelicData(Model):
tid: int
mainAffixId: int
type: int
level: int = 0
exp: int = 0
subAffixList: List[SubAffixData] = []
class CharacterData(Model):
avatarId: int
pos: int = 0
rank: int = 0
level: int = 1
promotion: int = 0
equipment: Optional[EquipmentData] = None
skillTreeList: List[SkillTreeData] = []
relicList: List[RelicData] = []
class PlayerData(Model):
uid: int
nickname: str
level: int = 0
worldLevel: int = 0
friendCount: int = 0
headIcon: int = 200001
signature: str = ""
isDisplayAvatar: bool = False
recordInfo: Optional[SpaceData] = None
assistAvatarList: List[CharacterData] = []
avatarDetailList: List[CharacterData] = []
class MihomoApiData(Model):
detailInfo: Optional[PlayerData] = None