Parsed Data API
About 4 minResource
This page shows usage of MiHoMo Parsed Data API.
Parsed Data API
MiHoMo Parsed Data API returns parsed player data.
Endpoint: /sr_info_parsed/{uid}
Path Params
Name | Type | Explanation |
uid | string | Player UID |
Query Prams
Name | Type | Default | Explanation | Aliases |
language | string | cn | Language | l, lang |
version | string | v2 | API version | v, ver |
is_force_update | bool | false | Refresh cached data immediately |
Supported language list:
Code | Language |
cn | 简体中文 |
chs | 简体中文 |
cht | 繁體中文 |
de | Deutsch |
en | English |
es | Español |
fr | Français |
id | Bahasa Indonesia |
jp | 日本語 |
kr | 한국어 |
pt | Português |
ru | Русский |
th | ภาษาไทย |
vi | Tiếng Việt |
GET /sr_info_parsed/100000999?l=en HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Your-App-Name
MiHoMo Parsed Data API response data example:
"player": {
"uid": "100000999",
"nickname": "NICKNAME",
"level": 70,
"world_level": 6,
"friend_count": 91,
"avatar": { "id": "201006", "name": "Silver Wolf", "icon": "icon/avatar/1006.png" },
"signature": "SIGNATURE",
"is_display": true,
"space_info": {
// Memory level, Memory of chaos id, level, star count
"memory_data": { "level": 21, "chaos_id": 1014, "chaos_level": 11, "chaos_star_count": 33 },
// Simulation space level
"universe_level": 9,
"avatar_count": 41,
"light_cone_count": 74,
"relic_count": 1858,
"achievement_count": 398,
"book_count": 124,
"music_count": 18
"characters": [
"id": "1212",
"name": "Jingliu",
"rarity": 5,
"rank": 0,
"level": 80,
"promotion": 6,
"icon": "icon/character/1212.png",
"preview": "image/character_preview/1212.png",
"portrait": "image/character_portrait/1212.png",
// Rank icons in order
"rank_icons": [
"path": { "id": "Warrior", "name": "Destruction", "icon": "icon/path/Destruction.png" },
"element": { "id": "Ice", "name": "Ice", "color": "#47C7FD", "icon": "icon/element/Ice.png" },
"skills": [
"id": "121201",
"name": "Lucent Moonglow",
"level": 5,
"max_level": 9,
"element": { "id": "Ice", "name": "Ice", "color": "#47C7FD", "icon": "icon/element/Ice.png" },
"type": "Normal",
"type_text": "Basic ATK",
"effect": "SingleAttack",
"effect_text": "Single Target",
"simple_desc": "Deals minor Ice DMG to a single enemy target.",
"desc": "Deals Ice DMG equal to 90% of Jingliu's ATK to a single enemy.",
"icon": "icon/skill/1212_basic_atk.png"
// Other skills
"skill_trees": [
"id": "1212001",
"level": 5,
"anchor": "Point01",
"max_level": 6,
"icon": "icon/skill/1212_basic_atk.png",
"parent": null
// ...,
"id": "1212210",
"level": 1,
"anchor": "Point18",
"max_level": 1,
"icon": "icon/property/IconCriticalDamage.png",
"parent": "1212208"
"light_cone": {
"id": "23014",
"name": "I Shall Be My Own Sword",
"rarity": 5,
"rank": 1,
"level": 80,
"promotion": 6,
"icon": "icon/light_cone/23014.png",
"preview": "image/light_cone_preview/23014.png",
"portrait": "image/light_cone_portrait/23014.png",
"path": { "id": "Warrior", "name": "Destruction", "icon": "icon/path/Destruction.png" },
"attributes": [
"field": "hp",
"name": "HP",
"icon": "icon/property/IconMaxHP.png",
"value": 1164.2399999999998,
"display": "1164",
"percent": false
"field": "atk",
"name": "ATK",
"icon": "icon/property/IconAttack.png",
"value": 582.1199999999999,
"display": "582",
"percent": false
"field": "def",
"name": "DEF",
"icon": "icon/property/IconDefence.png",
"value": 396.9,
"display": "396",
"percent": false
// Light cone properties
"properties": [
"type": "CriticalDamageBase",
"field": "crit_dmg",
"name": "CRIT DMG",
"icon": "icon/property/IconCriticalDamage.png",
"value": 0.2,
"display": "20.0%",
"percent": true
"relics": [
"id": "61041",
"name": "Hunter's Artaius Hood",
"set_id": "104",
"set_name": "Hunter of Glacial Forest",
"rarity": 5,
"level": 15,
"icon": "icon/relic/104_0.png",
"main_affix": {
"type": "HPDelta",
"field": "hp",
"name": "HP",
"icon": "icon/property/IconMaxHP.png",
"value": 705.5999999999999,
"display": "705",
"percent": false
"sub_affix": [
"type": "CriticalChanceBase",
"field": "crit_rate",
"name": "CRIT Rate",
"icon": "icon/property/IconCriticalChance.png",
"value": 0.058320000399999995,
"display": "5.8%",
"percent": true,
"count": 2,
"step": 2
"type": "CriticalDamageBase",
"field": "crit_dmg",
"name": "CRIT DMG",
"icon": "icon/property/IconCriticalDamage.png",
"value": 0.1101600004,
"display": "11.0%",
"percent": true,
"count": 2,
"step": 1
"type": "StatusProbabilityBase",
"field": "effect_hit",
"name": "Effect Hit Rate",
"icon": "icon/property/IconStatusProbability.png",
"value": 0.1209600072,
"display": "12.0%",
"percent": true,
"count": 3,
"step": 4
"type": "StatusResistanceBase",
"field": "effect_res",
"name": "Effect RES",
"icon": "icon/property/IconStatusResistance.png",
"value": 0.0777600046,
"display": "7.7%",
"percent": true,
"count": 2,
"step": 2
// Other relics
// Enabled relic sets
"relic_sets": [
"id": "104",
"name": "Hunter of Glacial Forest",
"icon": "icon/relic/104.png",
"num": 2,
"desc": "Increases Ice DMG by 10%.",
"properties": [
"type": "IceAddedRatio",
"field": "ice_dmg",
"name": "Ice DMG Boost",
"icon": "icon/property/IconIceAddedRatio.png",
"value": 0.1,
"display": "10.0%",
"percent": true
// Other relic sets
// Character basic values
"attributes": [
"field": "hp",
"name": "HP",
"icon": "icon/property/IconMaxHP.png",
"value": 2600.136,
"display": "2600",
"percent": false
// Character boost values
"additions": [
"field": "crit_dmg",
"name": "CRIT DMG",
"icon": "icon/property/IconCriticalDamage.png",
"value": 1.4478000012,
"display": "144.7%",
"percent": true
"field": "spd",
"name": "SPD",
"icon": "icon/property/IconSpeed.png",
"value": 40.032,
"display": "40",
"percent": false
// ...
// Character detailed buff list
"properties": [
"type": "CriticalDamageBase",
"field": "crit_dmg",
"name": "CRIT DMG",
"icon": "icon/property/IconCriticalDamage.png",
"value": 1.4478000012,
"display": "144.7%",
"percent": true
"type": "SpeedDelta",
"field": "spd",
"name": "SPD",
"icon": "icon/property/IconSpeed.png",
"value": 40.032,
"display": "40",
"percent": false
// ...
// Positions in showcase, 0 to 7
"pos": [0, 4]
// Other characters
Reference data model:
# uncomment if you are using pydantic
# from pydantic import BaseModel as Model
# uncomment if you are using msgspec
# from msgspec import Struct as Model
from typing import List, Optional
class LevelInfo(Model):
id: str
level: int = 0
class AvatarInfo(Model):
id: str
name: str
icon: str
class PathInfo(Model):
id: str
name: str
icon: str
class ElementInfo(Model):
id: str
name: str
color: str
icon: str
class SkillInfo(Model):
id: str
name: str
level: int
max_level: int
element: Optional[ElementInfo]
type: str
type_text: str
effect: str
effect_text: str
simple_desc: str
desc: str
icon: str
class SkillTreeInfo(Model):
id: str
level: int
anchor: str
max_level: int
icon: str
parent: Optional[str] = None
class AttributeInfo(Model):
field: str
name: str
icon: str
value: float
display: str
percent: bool
class PropertyInfo(Model):
type: str
field: str
name: str
icon: str
value: float
display: str
percent: bool
class SubAffixInfo(PropertyInfo):
count: int
step: int
class RelicInfo(Model):
id: str
name: str
type: int
set_id: str
set_name: str
rarity: int
level: int
icon: str
main_affix: Optional[PropertyInfo] = None
sub_affix: List[SubAffixInfo] = []
class RelicSetInfo(Model):
id: str
name: str
icon: str
num: int
desc: str = ""
properties: List[PropertyInfo] = []
class LightConeInfo(Model):
id: str
name: str
rarity: int
rank: int
level: int
promotion: int
icon: str
preview: str
portrait: str
path: Optional[PathInfo] = None
attributes: List[AttributeInfo] = []
properties: List[PropertyInfo] = []
class MemoryInfo(Model):
level: int = 0
chaos_id: Optional[int] = None
chaos_level: Optional[int] = None
chaos_star_count: Optional[int] = None
class SpaceInfo(Model):
memory_data: Optional[MemoryInfo] = None
universe_level: int = 0
avatar_count: int = 0
light_cone_count: int = 0
relic_count: int = 0
achievement_count: int = 0
book_count: int = 0
music_count: int = 0
class PlayerInfo(Model):
uid: str
nickname: str
level: int = 0
world_level: int = 0
friend_count: int = 0
avatar: Optional[AvatarInfo] = None
signature: str = ""
is_display: bool = False
space_info: Optional[SpaceInfo] = None
class CharacterInfo(Model):
id: str
name: str
rarity: int
rank: int
level: int
promotion: int
icon: str
preview: str
portrait: str
rank_icons: List[str] = []
path: Optional[PathInfo] = None
element: Optional[ElementInfo] = None
skills: List[SkillInfo] = []
skill_trees: List[SkillTreeInfo] = []
light_cone: Optional[LightConeInfo] = None
relics: List[RelicInfo] = []
relic_sets: List[RelicSetInfo] = []
attributes: List[AttributeInfo] = []
additions: List[AttributeInfo] = []
properties: List[PropertyInfo] = []
class FormattedApiInfo(Model):
player: PlayerInfo
characters: List[CharacterInfo] = []